


Ampoules GU10 : Quelles sont les meilleures ampoules pour vos lampes d’intérieur ?


Ampoules GU10 : Quelles sont les mieux pour vos lumières d’intérieur ?

Un bon éclairage peut faire une énorme différence dans la façon dont un espace est perçu. Avec le lancement des nouveaux plafonniers GU10 Siena, nous avons voulu mettre en avant notre gamme d’ampoules compatibles pour vous aider à obtenir l’éclairage de vos rêves.

Le choix de la meilleure température de couleur pour votre espace


Le choix de la meilleure température de couleur pour votre espace

En ce qui concerne l’éclairage, il ne s’agit pas seulement de savoir à quel point une source lumineuse est brillante ou si elle correspond au décor de votre maison. La température de couleur de votre éclairage joue un rôle crucial dans l’établissement d’une atmosphère appropriée et peut même influencer votre humeur et votre productivité.

Lumière du jardin : Guide de l’éclairage extérieur


Lumière du jardin : Guide de l’éclairage extérieur

L’éclairage des espaces extérieurs est un aspect essentiel de l’aménagement de la maison qui peut améliorer considérablement l’aspect et la fonctionnalité de votre jardin. Que vous souhaitiez créer une ambiance conviviale pour vos réceptions ou améliorer la sécurité de votre propriété, ce guide vous guidera dans les éléments essentiels de l’éclairage extérieur.

Hydra Pro : La réglette modulaire ultime


Hydra Pro : La réglette modulaire ultime

Nous sommes ravis d’annoncer notre dernière gamme de luminaires avec fonctionnalité modulaire, la réglette Hydra Pro. Conçue pour résister même aux environnements les plus difficiles, tout en étant flexible à chaque installation, l’Hydra Pro garantit une durabilité, une flexibilité et une efficacité exceptionnelles.

Conçu pour durer : Compréhension des indices IK


Conçu pour durer : Compréhension des indices IK

Lorsqu’il s’agit du choix des solutions d’éclairage durable, en particulier pour l’extérieur ou industrial use, vous pourriez rencontrer le terme « indice IK ». Cet indice est un indicateur clé de la capacité d’un appareil d’éclairage à résister aux chocs physiques, ce qui en fait un élément crucial pour les environnements où les éclairages peuvent être exposés à des chocs accidentels, aux intempéries voire au vandalisme.

Étude de cas : The Putt Hutt, Clarence Pier, Southsea


Étude de cas : The Putt Hutt, Clarence Pier, Southsea

Le projet : The Putt Hutt à Clarence Pier, Southsea, s’est lancée dans un projet de transformation pour améliorer sa proposition de mini-golf, grâce à l’installation de bandes lumineuses néon.

Présentation de l’édition Evofire Micro Bezel


Présentation de l’édition Evofire Micro Bezel

L’Evofire est synonyme de design de pointe et de performance de premier ordre en matière de downlights ignifugés depuis son lancement en 2016. Sa conception unique, brevetée et sans regard offre facilité d’installation, flexibilité dans les options d’éclairage et une longévité accrue, révolutionnant la façon dont l’industrie de l’éclairage prend en compte la protection incendie. Aujourd’hui, avec la présentation de l’édition Evofire Micro Bezel, cette gamme emblématique fait preuve d’audace en termes d’esthétique en offrant une solution d’éclairage aussi discrète que fonctionnelle.

Ampoules E27 : Quelles sont les mieux pour vos lumières extérieures ?


Ampoules E27 : Quelles sont les mieux pour vos lumières extérieures ?

Un bon éclairage peut faire une énorme différence dans la façon dont un espace est perçu. Vous voudrez peut-être le rendre lumineux et bien éclairé, mais aussi chaleureux et douillet, ou encore vibrant et coloré. Notre dernière gamme de lampes d’extérieur vient d’être lancée et nous avons voulu mettre en avant les meilleures ampoules pour vos lampes d’extérieur Integral LED.

Présentation de la nouvelle gamme de cloisons Tough Shell Pro : Innovation dans les solutions d’éclairage modulaire


Présentation de la nouvelle gamme de cloisons Tough Shell Pro

Nous sommes ravis de vous présenter la gamme Tough Shell Pro, une série de cloisons de style polo conçues pour révolutionner vos besoins en matière d’éclairage. Alliant technologie modulaire et fonctionnalités conviviales, le Tough Shell Pro est conçu pour assurer une performance, une durabilité et une polyvalence exceptionnelles, ce qui en fait un choix idéal pour une variété d’applications.

Étude de cas : Towy Sports Bar, à Carmarthen


Étude de cas : Towy Sports Bar, à Carmarthen

Le Towy Sports Bar à Carmarthen a récemment été complètement rénové pour améliorer la convivialité et l'attrait du lieu. Le projet de rénovation comprenait le remplacement du système d'éclairage pour améliorer l'efficacité énergétique dans l'établissement ainsi que la visibilité de leurs tables de billard et de snooker.

Un guide de l’éclairage d’une salle de bain


Un guide de l’éclairage d’une salle de bain

Un éclairage efficace est une partie essentielle de la conception d’une salle de bain. Les salles de bain de toutes tailles, en particulier dans un cadre résidentiel, sont des espaces à la fois très intimes et très orientés vers des tâches spécifiques, créant ainsi une exigence particulière en termes d’éclairage, afin de favoriser confort et détente, ainsi que la fonctionnalité.

Est-il prudent de recouvrir les downlights ignifugés d’isolant ?


Est-il prudent de recouvrir les downlights ignifugés d’isolant ?

Les downlights ignifugés sont courants dans les bâtiments modernes et assurent l’éclairage tout en offrant des avantages en matière de sécurité. Cependant, lors de leur installation, des questions se posent souvent quant à la compatibilité de l’isolation. Ces downlights peuvent-ils être recouverts d’un isolant sans compromettre leur ignifugation ?

Efficacité lumineuse de 180 lm/W : Présentation du luminaire de grande hauteur Perform Pro Max


Efficacité lumineuse de 180 lm/W : Présentation du luminaire de grande hauteur Perform Pro Max

En milieu industriel, la précision et l’efficacité sont primordiales tout comme l’éclairage, qui joue un rôle essentiel pour assurer une productivité et une sécurité optimales. Le luminaire circulaire de grande hauteur Perform Pro Max, notre dernière innovation, est conçu pour éclairer et rehausser les applications industrielles les plus exigeantes.

Protection nocturne : mesures à prendre en compte lors de l'installation d'un éclairage extérieur


Protection nocturne : mesures à prendre en compte lors de l'installation d'un éclairage extérieur

Bien qu’étant une arme à double tranchant, l'éclairage extérieur est indispensable dans notre monde moderne : il améliore la sécurité, la navigabilité et l'utilisation des espaces après la tombée de la nuit, et constitue un facteur majeur dans la résolution des problèmes d'ordre écologique et esthétique posés par la pollution lumineuse souvent causée par une lumière excessive, mal protégée et mal orientée.

Un aperçu approfondi de DALI


Un aperçu approfondi de DALI

DALI est un protocole dédié au contrôle numérique de l’éclairage. Chez Integral LED, nous nous sommes penchés sur les subtilités de DALI, en offrant une vue d’ensemble de son fonctionnement et de ses principales caractéristiques.

Capteurs à micro-ondes ou à infrarouge passif : lesquels choisir ?


Capteurs à micro-ondes ou à infrarouge passif : lesquels choisir ?

Les systèmes de commande d’éclairage ont évolué pour intégrer une série de capteurs avancés, améliorant ainsi leur facilité d’utilisation, leur praticité et leur efficacité globale. Les détecteurs de mouvement sont un élément clé de la conception de l’éclairage moderne grâce à leur capacité à détecter une présence humaine, qui permet d’activer les lumières lorsque cela est nécessaire. Partout dans le monde, ces détecteurs de mouvement font partie intégrante des maisons, bureaux, entrepôts et systèmes de sécurité connectés. L’avantage est double : améliorer l’efficacité énergétiques grâce à la variation de l’intensité lumineuse et à l’extinction des lumières lorsqu’aucun mouvement n’est détecté, et servir de mesure de sécurité fiable en allumant l’éclairage.

Étude de cas : Entrepôt de Calverton d’Integral LED


Étude de cas : Entrepôt de Calverton d’Integral LED

Le projet : Un entrepôt situé à Calverton, Nottingham, a été acheté pour étendre les activités d’Integral LED. L’installation avait besoin d’une rénovation complète de l’éclairage afin de fournir des niveaux de lumière adéquats pour les activités de l’entrepôt tout en améliorant l’efficacité et la durabilité de l’éclairage existant.

Idées lumineuses : Explorer le contrôle intelligent de l’éclairage de Casambi


Idées lumineuses : Explorer le contrôle intelligent de l’éclairage de Casambi

Dans un environnement de solutions de contrôle de l’éclairage en constante évolution, Casambi s’impose comme une plateforme sans fil, intelligente et évolutive qui transforme la manière dont nous utilisons la lumière au quotidien. Chez Integral LED, nous avons examiné plus en profondeur certaines des caractéristiques et des fonctionnalités afin de mettre en évidence la façon dont Casambi peut créer un contrôle de l’éclairage plus intelligent et plus fluide pour les maisons, les entreprises et au-delà.

Integral LED - 10 ans de succès


Integral LED - 10 ans de succès

Lors de la création d’Integral LED il y a 10 ans de nombreuses personnes, tant en interne qu’en externe, ont été surprises par l’apparent changement de direction d’Integral. Les gens se sont demandés « Pourquoi ce changement ? »

Présentation de la nouvelle gamme de luminaires d’extérieur en acier inoxydable


Présentation de la nouvelle gamme de luminaires d’extérieur en acier inoxydable

Notre dernière gamme de luminaires LED d’extérieur résidentielles a récemment été lancée et a été bien accueillie pour sa fonctionnalité et son aspect moderniste frappant.

Célébration des 10 ans d'Integral LED


Célébration des 10 ans d'Integral LED

C’est avec une grande fierté que nous annonçons qu’Integral LED a franchi une étape importante dans l’histoire de l’entreprise. À la fin de l’automne 2023, nous aurons 10 ans d’activité et nous souhaitons profiter de cette occasion pour remercier l’ensemble de notre personnel, nos clients et nos partenaires d’avoir accompagné l’entreprise tout au long de son parcours.

Integral LED ouvre un nouveau centre logistique


Integral LED ouvre un nouveau centre logistique

Désormais, notre nouvel entrepôt d'éclairage à LED est totalement opérationnel.Après avoir déménagé notre centre logistique d'Aylesbury, dans le Buckinghamshire, nous avons installé le nouvel entrepôt à Calverton, tout près de Nottingham. Cet emplacement, situé à un endroit plus centralisé du Royaume-Uni et disposant d'un stock plus important, assure à nos clients une plus grande uniformité en matière d'approvisionnement.

Ampoules GU10 : Quelles sont les mieux pour vos lumières extérieures ?


Ampoules GU10 : Quelles sont les mieux pour vos lumières extérieures ?

Un bon éclairage peut faire une énorme différence dans la façon dont un espace est perçu. Vous voudrez peut-être le rendre lumineux et bien éclairé, mais aussi chaleureux et douillet, ou encore vibrant et coloré. Notre dernière gamme de lampes d’extérieur vient d’être lancée et nous avons voulu mettre en avant les meilleures ampoules pour vos lampes d’extérieur Integral LED.

Systèmes de contrôle de l’éclairage


Systèmes de contrôle de l’éclairage

Tout le monde a déjà utilisé un système de contrôle de l’éclairage, et beaucoup d’entre nous s’en servent plusieurs fois par jour sans trop y penser. Dans leur forme la plus élémentaire, ce sont les interrupteurs qui ornent les murs de la plupart des maisons et qui permettent une simple fonction d’allumage et d’extinction.

Qu'est-ce qu'une LED ?


Qu'est-ce qu'une LED ?

Une LED est un dispositif semi-conducteur qui émet une lumière visible lorsqu'il est parcouru par un courant. Au cours des dix dernières années, nombre d’utilisateurs ont abandonné les ampoules à incandescence traditionnelles ou les ampoules fluocompactes au profit des ampoules à diodes électroluminescentes (LED) en raison des multiples avantages ci-après.

Pousser l'efficacité Maximale


Pousser l'efficacité Maximale

Chez Integral, nous cherchons constamment à améliorer la fonctionnalité et l'efficacité de nos lampes et luminaires, et nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer l'introduction de gamme Max Efficiency.

Gamme Integral LED intégrée par Relux


Gamme Integral LED intégrée par Relux

Integral LED a le plaisir d'annoncer que nos produits sont de retour dans le portefeuille de la marque Relux.

Integral LED obtient l'accréditation LIAQA


Integral LED obtient l'accréditation LIAQA

Integral LED est fier d'annoncer que nous sommes désormais entièrement certifiés dans le cadre du programme d'assurance qualité de la Lighting Industry Association.

Ampoules blanc froid ou blanc chaud ?


Ampoules blanc froid ou blanc chaud ?

Colour Température de couleur - Avec les lampes conventionnelles, choisir la «couleur de la lumière» émise par une lampe n'était pas un choix généralement fait. Avec certains produits LED, il y a un choix de couleurs, choisir une couleur définira l'ambiance de votre espace.

What are Lumens?


Que sont les Lumens ?

Considérez les lumens comme une "nouvelle" façon de connaître la luminosité d'une lampe. Lumens = Puissance lumineuse.

Why Choose LED Lamps and Lightbulbs?


Pourquoi choisir des lampes et ampoules LED ?

Souhaitez-vous économiser de l'argent et améliorer l'environnement? Alors choisir la LED est un choix simple. Les lampes LED sont faciles à installer dans les douilles existantes et vous pouvez profiter immédiatement d'importantes économies.

Dimmable and Non-Dimmable LED lamps


Ampoules LED dimmables et non-dimmables

De nombreuses lampes LED retrofit sont vendues en deux versions ; gradable et non gradable. Vous devrez choisir le bon type pour votre circuit d'éclairage.

LED - Quelles sont les différences ?


LED - Quelles sont les différences ?

Même si les lampes à diodes électroluminescentes (LED) existent depuis un certain temps, ce n'est que récemment que les progrès technologiques ont abaissé le coût des LED et, avec la hausse des prix de l'énergie, l'éclairage LED est désormais idéal pour un usage domestique et commercial.

Qu'est-ce qu'un indice IP (Ingress Protection) ?


Qu'est-ce qu'un indice IP (Ingress Protection) ?

En achetant un éclairage d'extérieur ou de salle de bain, vous avez peut-être vu le terme "indice IP" apparaissant. Ce code est un moyen simple d'indiquer dans quelle mesure un produit d'éclairage est protégé contre les influences extérieures.

Qu'est-ce que l'UGR ?


Qu'est-ce que l'UGR ?

UUGR est une méthode de calcul qui aide les concepteurs d'éclairage à créer des schémas pour éviter l'inconfort de la lumière mal placée

What is Electrical Class?


Qu'est-ce que la classe électrique ?

En termes simples, la classe électrique d'un produit indique comment l'utilisateur d'un appareil électrique est protégé contre les chocs électriques.

Methodist College Belfast trusts Integral LED


Methodist College Belfast fait confiance à Integral LED

Methody a procédé à une refonte de sa configuration d'éclairage et a exclusivement acheté des produits Integral LED pour remplacer plus de 1550 luminaires, améliorant ainsi son efficacité financière et environnementale de 68 %.

After Jan 1 2023, your LED product needs a UKCA mark for selling in the UK


After Jan 1 2023, your LED product needs a UKCA mark for selling in the UK

Don’t want to do your compliance in-house? You can use third-party conformity assessment bodies like The British Standards Institute (BSI). They’ll test your product, you’ll pay them a license and you can apply their compliance mark to your products.

Celebrating Hajni Kovacs on International Day of Women and Girls in Science


Celebrating Hajni Kovacs on International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Integral LED’s Hajni Kovacs is at the forefront of inspection and testing in the lab. She plays a pivotal role in gathering performance data of Integral’s LED products, enabling the team to analyse and review this data against what they expect the products to do.

Emergency Lighting


Emergency Lighting

Now that many businesses have re-opened their shops and buildings after a long period of inactivity, it is time to keep on top of the vital emergency lighting maintenance re-charging the batteries for all types of emergency luminaires, whether an emergency bulkhead, an emergency exit sign or a simple fire exit sign.

Lux Review awards 4 Stars to the Sunset Vintage Squirrel Cage from Integral LED


Lux Review awards 4 Stars to the Sunset Vintage Squirrel Cage from Integral LED

Ideal for restaurants and bars, the Integral LED Sunset Vintage ST64 Squirrel Cage creates a relaxing and retro ambience with its ultra-warm light (1800K), tinted amber glass and eye-catching vintage design.

LED Advanced Panel - 4 Stars from Lux Review


LED Advanced Panel - 4 Stars from Lux Review

The Integral LED is an efficient, low glare and cost-effective panel with a 5-year warranty. An ideal energy saving solution for office and retail areas.

Integral LED's European Logistics Hub


Integral LED's European Logistics Hub

Our new up and running centre will allow us to provide a high level of stock and delivery service and provide an easy pick-up point.

Electrical Industry Awards 2019 - Finalist Award


Electrical Industry Awards 2019 - Finalist Award

The UK designed high-quality EVOfire range has transformed the fire-rated downlight market with its aesthetic canless feature. The success has been built upon with the innovation of the EVOfire Recessed downlight that holds the lamp higher in the ceiling.

Moving from CFL to LED Downlights


Moving from CFL to LED Downlights

When switching downlights from CFL to LED in commercial or retail areas; you will need to find appropriate replacements. Integral LED offer a highly effective solution with our new range of Recess Pro Downlights.

UCL Architecture students choose Integral LED for Summer Showcase


UCL Architecture students choose Integral LED for Summer Showcase

The Bartlett School of Architecture at University College London is one of the most prestigious schools of architecture in the world. Each year their students showcase their innovative work to the in the Bartlett Summer Show, which attracts around 10,000 visitors from the general public and the architectural community.

Pathlux Inground range featured in A1 Lighting Magazine

JUNE 2019 - NEWS

Pathlux Inground range featured in A1 Lighting Magazine

Want to light an attractive path through your garden? The June issue of A1 Lighting Magazine features informative advice on path lighting as well as a detailed look at the new Pathlux Inground range.

Light a path through your outdoor space with these new Bollard lights


Light a path through your outdoor space with these new Bollard lights

The popular Integral LED Outdoor range has expanded to include a new set of stylish and robust bollard lights. These standing luminaires are an efficient and decorative way to illuminate an outdoor path or driveway and bring a designer look to the exteriors of any residential or commercial premises.

This LED batten is Cool…until you switch it to Warm


This LED batten is Cool…until you switch it to Warm

With the flick of a switch, this batten lets you choose between a warm white light for dining and entertaining, or cool white task lighting perfect for cooking or working.

Shine colourful light exactly where you need it with the Precision Pro RGBW Floodlight


Shine colourful light exactly where you need it with the Precision Pro RGBW Floodlight

Our popular Precision Pro range of industrial floodlights has expanded in the most colourful way possible.

Compact Tough Wall Packs


Compact Tough Wall Packs

The Compact Tough family has expanded with the introduction of our new range of rugged and stylish Wall Pack luminaires.

Integral LED UGR 19 Advanced Panel


Integral LED UGR 19 Advanced Panel

The new Integral LED TPa UGR 19 Advance Panel helps installers to achieve a UGR of less than 19 by utilising skilfully engineered features that minimise light spill, making it easier to control glare in an office or classroom.

4-star reviews for Integral LED products from Lux Review


4-star reviews for Integral LED products from Lux Review

As one of the most reputable sources of news and reviews for the UK lighting industry, Lux Review are known for their trustworthy, independent product reviews.

Case Study: The Regency Club


Case Study: The Regency Club

Integral LED recently helped a very popular London-based Indian and Kenyan Bar & Grill achieve their aim of creating a warm and inviting ambience at a lower energy cost.

Precision Pro Industrial Floodlight


Precision Pro Industrial Floodlight

When lighting outdoor sports centres, car parks in retail estates, or providing a wash of light to large exterior features in heritage or hospitality venues, you need a luminaire that is super-tough, highly-efficient and precise enough to minimise light-spill. The Precision Pro Floodlight meets all of these challenges head-on.

Multi-Fit Downlight Voted Top 2018 Product


Multi-Fit Downlight Voted Top 2018 Product

Professional Electrician & Installer Magazine, one of the leading sources of information and product reviews for electricians and tradespeople across the UK, has awarded the Multi-Fit Downlight with a coveted Top Product for 2018.

Integral bulb declared one of the Test Lab ’50 Products of 2018’ by Which? Magazine


Integral bulb declared one of the Test Lab ’50 Products of 2018’ by Which? Magazine

“One of the best we’ve tested.” That’s what Which? Magazine said about the Integral LED Dimmable Filament Omni-Lamp E27 8W 2700K 1055lm E27 in their 50 Test Lab Products of 2018 article.

WarmTone range expands with new lamp additions


WarmTone range expands with new lamp additions

Our WarmTone GU10 Spotlights and Fire Rated Downlights have proven that LED can match the dimming performance of halogen and incandescent lights. To make sure just about any home or hospitality environment can benefit from the cosy ambience of WarmTone dimming; the range has now been expanded to include Classic GLS, Candle and Mini Globe lamps.

Choose your ambience with new Fire Rated Downlights


Choose your ambience with new Fire Rated Downlights

Sometimes you don’t want the light in a room to stay the same. Maybe you would like a cosier atmosphere for a romantic dinner, or a cooler colour temperature to help you work. With the latest Fire Rated Downlights from Integral, you can match the light to your mood.

Integral LED Strip contributes to Best Outdoor Lighting award at Singapore Garden Festival


Integral LED Strip contributes to Best Outdoor Lighting award at Singapore Garden Festival

The Singapore Garden Festival is a global celebration of stunning garden design where designers from around the world congregate to show their stunning outdoor spaces. This year, Integral LED were delighted to contribute towards UK Designer Kate Gould's ambitious entry in the Landscape and Fantasy Garden category.

Rugged, bright and efficient - Introducing the Tough-Shell LED High Bay


Rugged, bright and efficient - Introducing the Tough-Shell LED High Bay

The Tough Shell+ Circular High Bay is a rugged, attractive and highly efficient solution for lighting large indoor facilities such as warehouses, production facilities and indoor sports halls.

A new era for LED lighting: Halogen light bulbs to be banned in Europe


A new era for LED lighting: Halogen light bulbs to be banned in Europe

From the 1st of September, halogen light bulbs will be banned across Europe, with only remaining stocks allowed to be sold. It is estimated that a wholesale move from halogen to LED will prevent more than 15 million tonnes of carbon emissions per year.

Integral LED at Energy 2018


Integral LED at Energy 2018

To kick off the start of the Lighting Season, Integral LED will be exhibiting at Energy 2018, part of UK Construction Week - the UK’s largest built environment event.

LED Colour Changing Strips with Controller


LED Colour Changing Strips with Controller

For those of us who just love colour, the new Touch Remote Controllers for RGBW LED Strip provide simple and intuitive control over four separate "zones".

Case Study: WDHA Table Tennis Club


Case Study: WDHA Table Tennis Club

Integral LED recently helped the WDHA Table Tennis Club achieve the level of lighting necessary to host league level competitions without increasing their running costs or power usage.

New models added to Evofire range with a focus on aesthetics


New models added to Evofire range with a focus on aesthetics

The Evofire range has expanded, with attractive new models that offer more aesthetic options.

Integral LED at The Facilities Show 2018

JUNE 2018 - NEWS

Integral LED at The Facilities Show 2018

Integral LED are delighted to attend at the London Excel this year to show how our market-leading 152lm/W Back-lit LED Panel can provide huge energy savings to any facility.

Case Study: Eco House


Case Study: Eco House

In one of our more inspiring case studies, one couple achieved their goal of "off-the-grid" living in their stunning self-built eco-house with more than a little help from Integral LED candle lamps and flexible strip.

Case Study: Kverneland Farming Supplies


Case Study: Kverneland Farming Supplies

One of the UK's leading suppliers of farming machinery has recognised the following major benefits by switching their old tube lights to Integral LED battens:

Multi-Fit Downlights


Multi-Fit Downlights

One downlight that can fit cut-outs ranging from 65mm-205mm, or can be surface mounted. That’s the promise of the new Multi-Fit downlight – the most versatile downlight yet from Integral LED.

Read all Integral LED brochures online


Read all Integral LED brochures online

As the Integral LED range expands, we have published several mini brochures to showcase specialist products such as our Outdoor decorative exterior luminaires and our varied range of LED strips.

Plug & Play RGB LED Strip Kit


Plug & Play RGB LED Strip Kit

The new Integral Plug & Play RGB LED Strip Kit offers everything your customer needs to set up 5 metres of colour changing strip lighting in a convenient retail pack that will look great on store shelves.

Follow Our Social Media Pages


Follow Our Social Media Pages

We are always shedding light on our latest developments, new products and exciting competitions on social media, so be sure to follow us!

Everything you wanted to know about outdoor lighting


Everything you wanted to know about outdoor lighting

In this month's Professional Electrician & Installer magazine, Integral LED are proud to support an informative feature on the topic of outdoor lighting. This includes useful information on choosing the best outdoor fittings, the importance of IP ratings and many useful tips on designing the ideal lighting setup.

Big, bold and fun! Colour and motion combine in the Integral LED Digital RGB Strip


Big, bold and fun! Colour and motion combine in the Integral LED Digital RGB Strip

For those rooms that demand something special, Integral LED has released our new range of Digital LED Strip.

Integral LED receive their 10th Which? BEST BUY accreditation…and their 11th!


Integral LED receive their 10th Which? BEST BUY accreditation…and their 11th!

Two Integral LED GLS Lamps have recently been granted the coveted honour of BEST BUY accreditations from consumer news and advice network Which? This brings our total number of Best Buys to eleven, more than any other LED lighting manufacturer.

The Integral LED YouTube Channel


The Integral LED YouTube Channel

Whether you have a question about lighting or you want to look at some exciting new products, the Integral LED Youtube channel is a great place to start.

Lux Review awards 4 Stars to Integral’s market-leading back-lit panel


Lux Review awards 4 Stars to Integral’s market-leading back-lit panel

"If you want a really low energy panel with good light output, this should be at the top of your list."

Add a designer look to the exterior of your home with the new Integral LED Outdoor range


Add a designer look to the exterior of your home with the new Integral LED Outdoor range

These compact and contemporary luminaires are offered in a wide variety of styles, allowing homeowners to create and customise their ideal outdoor lighting setup.

New Autumn/Winter Brochure from Integral LED


New Autumn/Winter Brochure from Integral LED

Whether you are looking for super-efficient panels for an office retrofit, easy-to-install Fire Rated downlights for your kitchen, spotless LED strips for seamless accent lighting, or tough but beautiful designer outdoor luminaires - you will find the ideal products in the new Integral LED product brochure.

Spotless LED Strip


Spotless LED Strip

Integral's new Spotless Strip creates the effect of one seamless beam of light

Flexible, attractive and powerful downlight


Flexible, attractive and powerful downlight

This new downlight pairs luxury light quality with a simple installation system and a wide choice of ‘twist and lock’ bezels to allow lighting designers and domestic customers alike to customise the ideal look for their ceilings.

A ‘Panel’ for discussion – Integral LED in A1 Lighting, October 2017


A ‘Panel’ for discussion – Integral LED in A1 Lighting, October 2017

A bold claim, perhaps, but one that Andrew Gooding, Technical & Compliance Manager at Integral LED has made to the readers of A1 Lighting Magazine in their October issue.

LED Flame Tip Filament Candle Lightbulbs


LED Flame Tip Filament Candle Lightbulbs

To bring an ornate touch of class to your home lighting, the new Integral LED Flame Tip and Twisted candle filament Omni Lamps look fantastic in chandelier style fittings and table lamps.

LED WarmTone Dimmable Spotlight


LED WarmTone Dimmable Spotlight

If you want to bring a cozy atmosphere to your home or restaurant, the Integral LED WarmTone spotlight will match your mood at the twist of a dimmer switch.

Dimmable G9 LED Bulbs


Dimmable G9 LED Bulbs

G9 fittings are often used in beautiful decorative fittings that act as a centrepiece to a living or dining room, where creating the right ambience is crucial. Until recently, customers looking for dimmable G9 capsule lamps had to opt for halogen, which was not only inefficient, but carried other safety and reliability concerns. This is why Integral LED have released their new Dimmable 3W G9 lamps.

Save the date – Integral LED at Lux Live 2017


Save the date – Integral LED at Lux Live 2017

As Europe’s biggest lighting event, Lux Live is an essential addition to the calendars of any lighting designer, facilities manager, architect, electrical wholesaler, retail buyer and anyone with any interest in cutting-edge lighting.

Evofire announced as Electrical Industry Awards 2017 Finalist


Evofire announced as Electrical Industry Awards 2017 Finalist

Integral LED are delighted to announce that our innovative Evofire Fire Rated Downlight has been shortlisted for the Lighting Product of the Year (Lamps and Luminaires) at the 2017 Electrical Industry Awards.

LED USB Table Lamp


LED USB Table Lamp

Following the success of our best-selling LED Night Lights, our Product Development team have been hard at work engineering a new and unique domestic light with the kind of functionality that would make anyone happy to add it to their bedside or night-stand.

High CRI 95 Spotlights help KERB Camden to bring out the Real Colour in their food


High CRI 95 Spotlights help KERB Camden to bring out the Real Colour in their food

Integral LED recently helped the wonderful street food vendors at Kerb Food in London's world famous Camden Market to make the colour of their delicious wares as vibrant as possible to passing customers.

Integral LED featured in A1 Lighting Magazine

JULY 2017 - NEWS

Integral LED featured in A1 Lighting Magazine

Integral LED recently featured in A1 Lighting Magazine's Round Table with Lighting Experts feature.

Tough Shell just got tougher!


Tough Shell just got tougher!

Our popular Tough Shell range of Bulkhead ceiling and wall lights has expanded to include the new and improved Tough Shell+ models. These attractive and efficient luminaires are extremely rugged, with an IK10 polycarbonate body

4 Star review for Integral LED 2W G9 lamp

JUNE 2017 - NEWS

4 Star review for Integral LED 2W G9 lamp

Today we are delighted that Lux Review have awarded us with a favourable 4 Star review!

New Spring/Summer brochure from Integral LED

JUNE 2017 - NEWS

New Spring/Summer brochure from Integral LED

If there’s one thing that doesn’t change at Integral, it’s the fast pace of change! To keep customers up to date with our constant stream of new and updated LED products, we have published a new brochure, detailing our entire range of products and packed full of informative case studies and articles.

Lamps for the Evofire Fire Rated Downlights - Our Recommendations


Lamps for the Evofire Fire Rated Downlights - Our Recommendations

Here at Integral LED we have been delighted to see the response to our new Evofire Fire Rated Downlight. The ‘canless’ open design has been welcomed with open arms by wholesalers and consumers alike, who love both the aesthetics and the practicality of this UK designed product.

Fire Rated Lighting - Advice from a Professional


Fire Rated Lighting - Advice from a Professional

Everybody knows that Fire Rated lighting is important - but it's safe to say that far fewer people know why. Many myths and misunderstandings surround Fire Rating specifications and the products that adhere to them.

Evofire Fire Rated Downlight featured in A1 Lighting


Evofire Fire Rated Downlight featured in A1 Lighting

Andrew Gooding, our resident Tech Guru and Compliance Manager, recently sat with A1 Lighting Magazine to discuss the challenges and benefits of re-thinking familiar designs for an LED age.

Fire rated lighting has evolved – and never looked better


Fire rated lighting has evolved – and never looked better

Integral LED will challenge the way you think about fire rated downlightsThe familiar fire rated downlight, a toolbox essential for electricians and lighting designers, has been re-engineered for the LED age, bringing a bevy of practical and aesthetic benefits.

Dimmable Lamps - Sunset Range


Dimmable Lamps - Sunset Range

Sunset, Integral LED’s popular range of Vintage Decorative filament lamps, has expanded to include dimmable models that can be dialled down to a gentle warm glow, creating a relaxing and welcoming atmosphere in any hospitality business or in your home.

GX53 Lamps for Kitchen Lighting


GX53 Lamps for Kitchen Lighting

Every light in your house should work with you to create a pleasing environment while cutting your energy costs. To this end Integral LED continue to release LED products that can retrofit common fittings that many of you will have in your house. Our latest addition to the family is a pair of GX53 lamps that will be ideal for lighting your kitchen units and display cabinets.

Control a world of colour in your home or business


Control a world of colour in your home or business

To give you precise control over the colour of your accent lighting, we have released two new remote control units to be paired with our RGB or RGBW LED strips.

Integral LED on Relux


Integral LED on Relux

Relux are world leaders in producing lighting planning software and lighting search engines. As such, they work with many major lighting companies to allow lighting designers and architects to visualise their lighting solutions.

Two further Integral LED GLS lamps accredited Which? BEST BUY for 2017


Two further Integral LED GLS lamps accredited Which? BEST BUY for 2017

Integral LED are delighted to announce that two of our GLS lamps have been granted BEST BUY status from Which? in the latest update to their Best Buy Lightbulbs listing.

Integral LED helps one business to save £390,000 over 5 years


Integral LED helps one business to save £390,000 over 5 years

One of the biggest energy-efficiency success stories from Integral LED so far is the Convergys call-centre in Belfast. By switching their lighting setup to Integral LED, this leading provider of Customer Management solutions is able to make massive savings on their yearly energy cost while greatly improving the environment for 2,500 staff over two sites.

LED Night Light - Available at Boots


LED Night Light - Available at Boots

If you’re looking to pick up the ideal solution for illuminating a room or corridor at night, you may be able to pick it up when you’re next shopping on your local High Street.

IP Ratings for Fire Rated Downlights


IP Ratings for Fire Rated Downlights

Anybody could be forgiven for assuming that in order for a downlight to be fire-rated, it must also have a high Ingress-Protection rating. This is not the case. Some Fire Rated downlights on the market are rated as low as IP20, making them unsuitable for areas such as bathrooms. All Integral LED Fire Rated downlights are rated IP65.

New LED batten from Integral can weather almost any environment


New LED batten from Integral can weather almost any environment

At Integral LED, we want to make sure that any business can switch on to the energy saving benefits of LED lighting. To do this, we realise the importance of releasing products that are built to last in a wide range of environments.

LED GLS Filament Lamp Review


LED GLS Filament Lamp Review

"Unlike many suppliers, I can’t remember ever having a poor lamp from Integral" - Very positive feedback from Lux Review journalist Alan Tulla, who in a recent review of LED light bulbs from top brands in the industry, rated our Filament style GLS lamp 4 stars – equal best out of 10 different lamps.

Integral LED Launches Slimline Emergency Exit Sign


Integral LED Launches Slimline Emergency Exit Sign

In addition to our recently launched range of emergency lighting products, Integral LED are bringing the efficiency and aesthetic benefits of LED to the humble but vital emergency exit sign.

A new year and a comprehensive new brochure from Integral LED


A new year and a comprehensive new brochure from Integral LED

The last year has been incredibly busy for Integral LED. We have launched many exciting new products and branched out into sectors such as industrial and emergency lighting.

Ensure your lighting setup is prepared for an emergency with this simple solution


Ensure your lighting setup is prepared for an emergency with this simple solution

As emergency lighting is vital for any workplace or public building, Integral LED are pleased to release this simple device that could turn your existing lighting setup into effective emergency lighting.

A revolutionary high bay weighing in at only 3.85kg


A revolutionary high bay weighing in at only 3.85kg

The Integral LED Spacelux High Bay is a major step forward for LED high bay lighting that needs to be seen (or rather held) to be believed. While the tough body of the luminaire carries an impressive IK09 rating it only weighs 3.85kg!

Light up your garden with Integral LED


Light up your garden with Integral LED

The new range of Integral LED IP65-rated PAR38 lamps have been designed for use in outdoor areas such as gardens, country parks and estates. By installing these lamps in an appropriate fitting you can illuminate feature-points like flowerbeds, trees, statues and walls.

New Strip and Driver kits from Integral LED


New Strip and Driver kits from Integral LED

If you’re looking to install some strip lighting in your home or business but find yourself confused when it comes to pairing the right strip to the right driver, we understand. This is why, for convenience, we have created a range of Strip and Driver kits that give you the right strip and driver in one package.

New DALI compatible panels from Integral LED


New DALI compatible panels from Integral LED

The DALI control system is a popular choice for building-wide lighting control, based on the Digital Addressable Lighting Interface international standard. DALI offers a great deal of lighting automation and monitoring functionality.

G4 & G9 Lamps - Halogen Bulb Replacements


G4 & G9 Lamps - Halogen Bulb Replacements

The compact, tapered design of Integral LED’s new G4 and G9 lamps allow them to fit easily into any existing G4 and G9 fittings, where earlier, bulkier LED lamps might have fit awkwardly or looked unsightly.

Integral LED support University of Bristol study of effects of lighting on insects


Integral LED support University of Bristol study of effects of lighting on insects

New research, part-funded by Integral LED and conducted by scientists from the University of Bristol has revealed that domestic LED lights are much less attractive to nuisance insects such as biting midges than traditional filament lamps.

Integral Real Colour GU10 nominated for Lux Awards 2016


Integral Real Colour GU10 nominated for Lux Awards 2016

The Lux Awards are renowned throughout the lighting industry for rewarding innovation and excellence. This year Integral LED are delighted that our Real Colour GU10 has been shortlisted for the Enabling Technology of the Year Award.

Another reason to say goodbye to halogen in your home or business


Another reason to say goodbye to halogen in your home or business

As part of our ongoing campaign to provide a LED replacement for every type of halogen lamp, Integral LED are delighted to introduce our new range of R7S lamps.

Safety, Style and Affordability – all in one downlight!


Safety, Style and Affordability – all in one downlight!

In our effort to produce the right LED solution to match all budgets, Integral LED are proud to introduce our new range of Low-Profile Fire Rated Downlights.

Integral LED available at Robert Dyas


Integral LED available at Robert Dyas

With the darker winter months approaching, we have good news for shoppers who are looking for energy efficient lighting solutions. Leading high street retailer Robert Dyas are now stocking several Integral LED products as part of their extensive electrical homewares selection.

Light all around – New additions to the Integral LED Omni-Lamp range


Light all around – New additions to the Integral LED Omni-Lamp range

With each technological step forward, the aesthetic line between LED and traditional tungsten light bulbs is fading. By using advanced filament LED technology, Integral LED have produced a range of lamps with full glass bodies that allow a super-wide beam angle and look almost indistinguishable from familiar bulbs, even in exposed fittings.

Introducing Integral LED ‘Real Colour’ GU10 Spotlights


Introducing Integral LED ‘Real Colour’ GU10 Spotlights

While LED lighting has been lauded for its energy-saving potential, one aspect in which LED is now catching up fast with other technologies is colour rendering. For certain applications the accuracy of colour is vital. Fashion retailers are careful to achieve a ‘true’ colour rendering for their merchandising under shop lights.

Warehouse Lighting with Integral LED - a valuable supplement from Professional Electrician


Warehouse Lighting with Integral LED - a valuable supplement from Professional Electrician

Back in September Integral LED were delighted to work with leading electrical trade magazine, Professional Electrician, to produce a valuable supplement on the topic of Warehouse Lighting.

Affordable ceiling and wall lights for the home or business


Affordable ceiling and wall lights for the home or business

Integral LED haved introduced a new range of circular bulkheads engineered to provide attractive and practical ceiling and wall lighting that won’t break your budget. At 10-21W, they should be kind to your electricity bill as well!

Integral LED Vintage Bulbs - Now Available in Lakeland


Integral LED Vintage Bulbs - Now Available in Lakeland

Integral LED is delighted to announce that leading homewares retailer Lakeland are now selling our Sunset range of Vintage Decorative Lamps both in-store and online.

UK warehouse brightens up thanks to Integral LED


UK warehouse brightens up thanks to Integral LED

Al-Murad, the largest independent ceramic tile and natural stone importer in Britain, has recently made the switch to Integral LED in their Leeds-based distribution centre. As the centre holds 8,000 pallets across 1,000 stock lines.

Case Study: BioCity Nottingham


Case Study: BioCity Nottingham

One of the UK’s fastest growing business incubators has recently made the switch to Integral LED in an effort to save on maintenance and energy costs.

The Sunset Range - Vintage LED Filament Bulbs


The Sunset Range - Vintage LED Filament Bulbs

With the release of the Sunset range of Vintage Decorative LED filament lamps, Integral have mixed vintage style with modern tech to create a product line that is both great looking and environmentally friendly. While these lamps may look like a step back in time.

Integral LED release their most flexible product - literally


Integral LED release their most flexible product - literally

Non-linear shapes, such as furniture and signage letters, can be very difficult to light effectively with conventional strips. The ingenious design of the Bendy Strip allows it to be bent to very precise axis while maintaining consistent light and colour across the entire strip.

IP65 LED Floodlights


IP65 LED Floodlights

Our Compact-Tough IP65-rated LED Floodlight breaks from convention with a design that meets the desire for attractive exterior lights. With 85% lower running costs compared to halogen equivalents, the Compact-Tough not only looks great, it’s incredibly efficient as well.

Replace your halogen AR111 lamps with an efficient LED alternative


Replace your halogen AR111 lamps with an efficient LED alternative

The AR111 lamp is a popular choice for display and accent lighting in a wide range of applications such as retail, hospitality and galleries.

Integral LED Release Retrofit Reflector Bulbs


Integral LED Release Retrofit Reflector Bulbs

Our mission to provide energy-efficient LED alternatives to all popular lighting formats has led us to release a new range of LED Reflector bulbs that are a perfect match for existing reflector fittings that can be found in many commercial environments.

LED Lamps Win Three Which? Best Buy Awards

JUNE 2016 - NEWS

LED Lamps Win Three Which? Best Buy Awards

Reinforcing our investment in quality lighting, Integral LED is delighted to announce that after several months of in-depth testing, Which? has awarded three further BEST BUY accreditations for our LED lamp range.

Circular High-Bay Lamps


Circular High-Bay Lamps

The new ‘4KG’ range of Circular High-Bay luminaires from Integral LED mark a breakthrough in warehouse and industrial lighting.

Wollaton Hall - Integral LED Project


Wollaton Hall - Integral LED Project

Wollaton Hall in Nottingham is an example of historic buildings that has had to await recent developments in the consumer lighting market.

Integral Fire Rated Downlights recommended by Lux Review


Integral Fire Rated Downlights recommended by Lux Review

Lux Review (January 2016) has recently carried out a wide review of Fire Rated Downlights in the marketplace and the Integral LED Fire Rated range has been highly rated, achieving a joint-best score of 4 Stars, "Recommended".






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